Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Diane Barcelowsky

These tableuas looks like they were recovered from the lower cubby-hole of a grade six art room. I can clearly remember kneeling over the light-bleached milky rolls with a fat pack of felt pens. Dianes still doing it. And she's also twisted and funnny.

Roll out your own creamy papyrus at

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My New Filing Technique Is Unstoppable

A anonymous friend put me on to My New Filing Technique Is Unstoppable (MNFTIU). What is MNFTIU? Imagine if 'Married to the Sea' divorced the sea and then remarried Rex Morgan, but cheated on him with something else from the Saturday morning comics, like Overboard but funny. Yeah, that's it.

There are many goodies on Rees' webpage - most notably Get Your War On. Get your MNFTIU on @ http://www.mnftiu.cc/